I seem to have developed this habit of dying in films. In fact I've made three feature films so far and I've died all three times, four times if you include short films as well (although technically I was already dead at the start of that one). This is becoming such a habit that some of my friends have even nicknamed me "Sian" Bean, and yes they do think that they are hilariously clever for this ! To be fair, I think it's pretty funny too.
Fake-dying is a messy job, I'm not kidding! I've left showers looking like a scene from 'Psycho', I've had so much fake blood in my mouth that I've had to hold my breath for fear of drowning in it before the director said "Action" and I could spit it out in a spectacularly dramatic fashion, and I've had a bone sticking out of my leg that was so realistic looking it freaked out the rest of the cast and crew! (Especially when I ran at them with it. I couldn't help myself.)
It's a fun challenge dying convincingly, but the real challenge comes when trying to get the makeup OFF at the end! And that stuff does not want to come off! The blood stains, your hair will be so sticky that you just try not to think about it, removing black eye makeup brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "panda eyes", you'll keep finding little bits of liquid latex on yourself for days to come, and you'll wonder if your nails will ever look clean again.