I'm so SO excited I can't actually express it in writing, so just imagine me doing a bouncy little happy dance. It has been very hard to make the sacrifice of not getting to act for most of this year because I really really missed it and it's something that I have been doing and chasing since I was only 6 years old. I've felt pretty isolated from the industry and my industry friends at points, and I've felt very frustrated at not being able to move my career forward. Felt stuck even. But I am happy to have achieved what I set out to do and hit my flat deposit goal. It is a really big deal for me, especially in a career full of uncertainty and instability.
Next year will be the first time that I'll be able to really knuckle down and go after my goals with my acting career. It'll be the first time that I'll actually be able to afford to go to the casting director workshops and film festivals. To go to classes to work on new skills and get better at the ones I already have. To take time off for auditions and workshops without worrying how the time off (because there's no holiday pay when you're self employed) will affect my ability to pay my rent. In this crazy creative world I will have something that I wasn't sure I would ever have... some financial stability. And the freedom that comes with it to actually move my life and career forwards.
I'm so so happy and excited about this, so although it was tough to pull back on the acting this year, in the long run it is an investment in my career and in my life. I'm really looking forward to 2020 and the opportunities it will bring. I also want to take this moment to say thank you to those of you who support me and my work, it really does mean the world to me and I'm very grateful for it. I hope to bring you many characters that you will hopefully enjoy!